Measuring Up

29 07 2009

Things have picked up. Everyone is getting busier by the day. Digamber our art director is having a time of his life – he has some difficult tasks to meet. He has to create a cart, a stuffed Dzo and a hand made Vodafone billboard – like I told you, there are no printing facilities available here. There is also no Vodafone connection here but since it is a network that’s available in both in Netherlands and India, Sander feels that there is some possibility of getting some sponsorship from them.

Moreover, on the face of it, our film is about a man who wishes to procure a mobile phone by selling his Dzo. On a deeper level it is about the importance of having one owns mind.

Costume Department at Work

Costume Department at Work

Measuring up

Measuring up

We had a small production meeting today. Communication is a barrier with the local production. They also seem a bit slow and a bit inexperienced. The positive is that they are hard working and willing. Hope they are able to pull it off – a lot depends on them. We are really on a tight schedule. Permissions, transport and accommodation is the backbone of this production. We will be shooting in and around Leh for the first few days, then moving to Liker for 5 days and then to Lamayuru for the rest of the schedule.



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