Turn off the lights

1 08 2009

Before even Sander began to start typing his shooting script, the entire crew understood what was in store for them. On the very third day Sander lost his iBook charger to the unpredictable electricity fluctuation. Fortunately for me, he informed me about it, else my Macbook charger would have also met the same fate.

The news spread like fire. Every crew member went out shopping for spike guards. Now each one has a spike guard to himself. But this does not solve Sander’s problem. How does he write his shooting script without a Laptop or a Computer? I thought of helping him. I called the Apple Helpline and then a few dealers in Delhi. No one had an Apple iBook charger – it was out of stock since Apple has stopped manufacturing the iBook.

The next step was taken. We borrowed a laptop for Sander from Tstenzin. Sander spent 5 days preparing his shooting script. The shooting script was almost ready. Everything was fine till this evening, when suddenly the hard disk of the laptop stopped responding. The only noise that came from the laptop was ‘tick… tick… tick’. That was the end of the shooting script. There was no backup taken. Tomorrow we live in hope – hope that we find someone in Ladakh to recover data from a corrupt hard disk.

I can feel Sander’s frustration. I would have gone half mad if this would have happened to me, but Sander remained composed.